viernes, 20 de abril de 2007


mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Love is
mmmmmmmmmmmml only a poet's
mmmmmmmmmmmmm invention,

llmmmmm A game mmmmmmmmmmm With words
mmm created by old mmmmmmmmm that pretended to
mmmmmm alchemists mmmmmmm formulate

mmmm A divine feeling mmmmm in a distant
mmmmmmmm that didn't mmm world of
mmmmmmmmmmmm exist m sensations

mmmmmmmmmmmmm And thoughts, of
mmmmmmmmmmmmm sights and
As mortals gods, mmmmm sighs.
mmm they once
mmmm declared mmmmmmmmmm The presence of
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm a heart
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm beat,

lmmmmmmmmm Of
lmmm desperation, of
sickness without purpose;

mmmmmmmm As immortal
lmmmmmmmmmmm humans
lmmmm they founded chimeras

mm Destined to live mmmlmm Their creations
mmmmm after the mmmmmmm are the sudden
mmmmm feeling. mmmmmlmmm words,

mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmlm Liars in their
mmmmmmmmmmmmlmmmmmmm apparently unexistant
mmmmmmmmlmmmmmmmmmmmm immortality,

mm True in their mmmmmmmmmmmmmm Ephemeral

mmm portrayed existant mmmmmmmmm love perpetuated

mmm mortality. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm in six words.

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