martes, 17 de abril de 2007


transform lmmmm their dull existence into mmmlllm a creation of
this silence[,] llmm that covers mlllmll a blooming m sound changed
into loud water,[.] you,[,] mmmmmllll light of dawn, before

mmmmmmmmmll the inflicted isolation[,] being
mmmmmmmmmll that follows mmmmml a pretended
mmmmmmmmmll melancholy, mmmmm child always crying,

mmmmmmmmmll and mmmmmmmmml shouting for nonsenses.[,]
mmmmmmmmmll then you mmmmmmll release your
mmmmmmmmmll will[,] find yourself mll laughing[,]

enjoying the blue lll tears mmmll and of their ll mystery,
of these mmmmml set aside, mii secrets about wanting hope,[.]
waters mmmmmlll looking for a silence[,] mm though there's none.

1 comentario:

Krissu dijo...

Interesante...los versos que se entrelazan...mmm...interesante...medio SorJuanezco eh!

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