miércoles, 25 de julio de 2007

Vice versa

Paradoxically, I am still here, trying to discover something that wasn’t covered,
But that is the way I am: stupid, though some would say that it is just
“A typical behavior,” as if I were typical at all; but that is the
Way they are: blind and mute (I wish) and deft. Yet, it
Is going to change. Why, I am still here, such a
Surprise, unpleasant, I would say, not to
Me, of course, to them; they want
Me away, far from this place,
From this walls that
Convert the art
Into dull
Into low
Ideas; that is a
Big problem, if you
Ask me, and, however, I
Want to be here. As a matter of fact,
I do not know exactly why; I thought this
Was a liberation, an emancipation of feelings and
Thought; I thought that through them I could acquired
The language to interpret long-distant ideas: it is not so, not now.
Nowadays, it is different; it does not matter if they accept me or not;
Whatever happens in my life, hers, I will be only a dull-lit among shadows.

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