miércoles, 25 de julio de 2007


If this weren’t made of fire,
The hearth wouldn’t follow the ashes
To discover that nothing remains
Over the ever-glooming lilies;
Mmmmmm But this is fire,
Mmmmmm Two tongues completing
Mmmmmm A dance, always unfinished,
Mmmmmm Yet destined to be extinguished.

If they weren’t made of air,
Thousands of raindrops, or only one,
Wouldn’t be chasing sighs and whispers
To know the secret of uncertainty;
Mmmmmm But they are air,
Mmmmmm Flowing along odd
Mmmmmm Words misunderstood
Mmmmmm By clear scents.

If you weren’t made of earth,
The-End-of-the-World’s wood, remember?
Wouldn’t be surrounding a story
That once swore to be eternal;
Mmmmmm But you are earth,
Mmmmmm Covering roots though
Mmmmmm Their freedom causes
Mmmmmm A rupture of meanings.

If I weren’t made of water,
An ocean’s surface protecting
The tempest that hides
More than it really represents;
Mmmmmm But I am water,
Mmmmmm Inconstancy of faces,
Mmmmmm That hurts the skin
Mmmmmm Of the ever-green promise.

If this weren’t made of fire,
Mmmmmm But this is fire;
If they weren’t made of air,
Mmmmmm But they are air;
If you weren’t made of earth,
Mmmmmm But you are earth;
If I weren’t made of water,
Mmmmmm But I am water…

The answer wouldn’t had been yes, yes.

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