jueves, 9 de agosto de 2007


mmmmmmmmmmmmmm If
mmmmmmmmmmmm You can’t
mmmmmmmmmmml Look at me,

mmmm Well, mmmmmmm It mmmmmi For
mm My dear, mmm Is unnecessary, mlll Death is
m Don’t do it; mml I haven’t changed, m Not a metamorphosis,

mFor life lies mmlll However, I’m not ml You knew before
mBeyond the mmmm Anymore the mml Your gradual
mmm Senses. mmmmmll Same mmmm Transformation;

mmmmmmmmmmml But, that is
mmmmmmmmmmml The time’s
mmmmmmmmmmmmm Way.

mmmmmmmmmmmmm Life
mmmmmmmmmmmll In Death
mmmmmmmm Creates queer shadows,

mll Intentions mmmmll Heard mmmmm The
ll That cannot mmmmll By an mmmmm Shouts, screams
l Be held here, l Ear, unwanted, unsilent; Terrify the quietness,

They seem to mmm But there is mmmm The most frightening
Destroy before mm A perverted mmmm Thing ever
ml Emanation; mmmm Sound mmmmlll Heard:

mmmmmmmmm The beat, bang,
mmmmmmmmmmmll Of the
mmmmmmmmmmll Heartbeat.

mmmmmmmmmmml Death
mmmmmmmmmmml In life
mmmmmmm Creates gloomy figures,

m Wandering mmmm About mmmmmll But,
l Without any mm Sorrow, that mmmlll Therefore, to
Care about pain, Is their privilege, mmlll Be before them

Is almost like mmm As if there mmmml To their infatuation
Surrender your mmm Were a mmmmll Their false
mmmmll Will mmmmm Will, mmmmm Definition

mmmmmmmm Of existence. It’s
mmmmmmmmmm Just too
mmmmmmmmmm Painful.
Written two months ago.

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